Saturday 7 September 2013

Love Breakups Zindagi...

Hi friends, welcome back, today’s topic is on those people who failed in reaching the end point of the love, usually end point in the sense the marriage for the lovers.  As the topic itself describes lot more than enough, friends why these break ups happens in most of the people life, what actually making the people to break the heart? Since from long duration relationships will getting spoil for a single movement/single world? Why these all are happening? To whom exactly we have to blame for this breakups?Think about it for sec guys, if you are a true lover and facing the situation like breakup, then try to think hundred times before going for any harsh decisions because this may really changes your life, friends whatever you take decision at this instant are more important which may decides about your life and goal. Most of the loves today’s happening are like living together type, which are for the short time period but in such case someone of you’ll seriously start loving unknowingly and you are not going to express it at the right time most people will think about ego and all so finally they lose their loved one, finally they give the statement like “Breakups are the wakeup call for the life”. Not only these people there are so many different types of love story happening in today’s generation.

Now coming to the other type cases like they are in the long term relationships like some of had 3-5 years relationships but at the end they stand at the break up. Guys for maintaining the long time relationship is nothing but the result of the good understanding in between them, why this usually happens in most of the life? Well in INDIA this problem happens most compared to other country why? Because the society and the system…!!!  Most of Indians suffer from the castes, it’s like a sever virus attack happened to our country, in INDIA most people never respect for the person, they respect for the cast which has no mean at all in the real time, this never be understood by the yielders, because of their mentality and they believe in this much as the life. See this caste and all are made by human not by god but Indians believes that all these are the orders from the god, and even they distinguish with so many parameters like living style, eating ,drinking ,dressing and so on. Even they categorized by the god itself, see how our Indians living blindly, so what the word said INDIANS  ARE SENTIMENTAL FOOLS suits good only for this matter.

Finally what I need to tell you all is, friends please grow up and let your children live in faithful life don’t make them as you all so that you’ll lose yourself and your children, please stop dictating the caste in every matter live the life like free bird and fly on the sky as it high. Never be bounded with such meaningless bounding.  Feel free to lead life with your own way so that you’ll able to show yourself for this world. This gonna happens only when you all stop thinking about the above parameters whatever u have said. And for those who are breaking their love only because of their ego, impatience and all, guys keep all these out from the relationship the try to gain it. Losing everything is much easier thing in the world but the gaining is most difficult thing which usually means lot in the life. And for those who are at the losing stage should at least think for a while before losing something... continued..

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