Wednesday 18 September 2013

The effect of practical life

Hi friends, all we discussed earlier is about the lovers life depends on their lifestyle but today we are going to discuss about the practical life. Let me tell you something before the actual topic, as we all know all most all the couples feel very happy at the beginning of their life, they feel like they born for each other and they are the best in the world. Ya this is really good to feel but the thing is, on which bases they believe all this…!!! (Feelings).

Now let us start with the actual things of the life where everyone’s should need to know that is understandings, usually the relations hold good at their positions only when they are far from each other, but in lovers life this is really feels lonely and more un-comfortable. In the earlier days lovers are not getting time to meet for a while, even in such situations also they still loves each other forever. Do you think why? Because they have more understandings and trust on each other but know what actually happening is, like “Out of site is out of mind”.

This is because of the practicality of the life and we believe that many of us don’t have that much time to think and feel for someone. We all are busy with our work/goal. Ha this is good habit to give more concentrations on your life but this should not lead to lose yourself from you, finally you only the person to find yourself when you needed, which probably not possible from you also. So friend’s life has many corners and lot of modes, and it is very important think about the practicality and the reality of the life. The reality wants the person who really you are not acting one. For analyzing all above you should spend at least few hours a day with yourself only and this is really good habit for us to get to know who we are and where actually we are right now. 

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